CSIRO - Solar Thermal Tower
October 1, 2020
In October we supplied a pneumatically actuated handrail for CSIRO's Solar Thermal Tower in Newcastle NSW. This will be mounted at the top of the tower. The handrail design was customised to suit their requirements. Read more...

Sojitz Blue - Meteor Downs South Mine, QLD
September 25, 2020
In September 2020 we installed a pneumatically operated handrail in a workshop pit for a new customer.This was in the workshop for the new Train Load Out facility for the Meteor Downs South coal mine in central Queensland.Installation was completed in one day. Read more...

Devron Booth 30/8/1941 - 22/7/2017
August 14, 2017
Our founder and inventor of the "Booth Safety Rail System" passed away on 22/7/2017.
He was, and still is an inspiration to many. His invention has saved many lives.
1997 won WorkCover Victoria’s Award for ‘Excellence in Innovation in Work Place Health and Safety’.
1999 won the South Australian Road Transport Association’s award for ‘Outstanding Contribution to the SA Road Transport Industry’.
2001 inducted into ‘Barons of Barossa’.
2004 inducted into the ‘Road Transport Hall of Fame’.

20th Anniversary in 2016
December 8, 2015
2016 is our 21st year of making collapsible hand rails.
We wish to thank our many loyal customers and installers for helping us reach this milestone.
Over the years we have been encouraged by your positive feedback, stories of lives saved, and disasters avoided.
Thank you all

Kalari Transport, Port Hedland, WA
August 4, 2014
We installed handrails to their workshop's two 20 metre long pits.
Handrails can be raised or lowered in 3 seconds.
We have now fitted handrails to 22 workshop pits for Kalari Trasnsport in 14 locations across Australia.
We also have also supplied handrails for 38 other pits for other companies.